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Jane Eyre
Everyone in my family is a big reader. Whether they read all the time or only manage to get through one book in a decade, everyone really...
There was a time when my very favorite book in the world was Aquamarine, written in 2001 by Alice Hoffman. (Interestingly, she also wrote...
Inu-Yasha (犬夜叉): A Feudal Fairy Tale
Volume 1 Art (Picture found on Google Images) -Spoilers- I discovered my very first manga when I was 12 years old. Math class hadn't...
Japanese Game & Variety TV Shows
My dream throughout high school was to go to college and spend study abroad in Japan. Originally I had hoped to stay for a whole year,...
The Trash Cake Story
During the third trimester of my freshman year of college, I took a rock climbing course hosted by the local climbing gym and I...
The College Ramen Horror Story
My sophomore year of college I lived in a dormitory away from most of my friends, who all lived together at the bottom of the hill....
The Shrimp Story
(Photo taken by me of the front entrance to the Ryotei Yasui; click for link to the hotel's website) In January of 2014 I spent some time...
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