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The Music Marie Plays (Marieの奏でる音楽) (18+)
- Spoilers - (Picture found on Google Images) Usamaru Furuya is the mind behind works like Short Cuts, Picasso Hallucination (幻覚ピカソ,...

The Shrimp Story
(Photo taken by me of the front entrance to the Ryotei Yasui; click for link to the hotel's website) In January of 2014 I spent some time...

Grasshoppers or Birds?
(Photo taken by me) Back in 2013, I went to Japan for study abroad and kept a travel blog in order to let people at home know what I was...

Why comic books and animated shows?
Explaining why you like comic books to someone who does not read comic books can be very difficult. Putting the enjoyment of it into...

Japanese: writing about another language
Writing about Japanese from an English perspective while expecting to have an audience that only speaks English can be a challenge. While...

I have heard from a few people that they think Japanese people are crazy germaphobes. At first, I found this very confusing, but I...

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