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The Mannequin Movies
There are two movies I want to talk about: Mannequin and Mannequin: On The Move. Both are brilliant examples of 80's and 90's cheese. (It...
Jane Eyre
Everyone in my family is a big reader. Whether they read all the time or only manage to get through one book in a decade, everyone really...
There was a time when my very favorite book in the world was Aquamarine, written in 2001 by Alice Hoffman. (Interestingly, she also wrote...
Mars - 18+
(Picture found on Google Images) - !!!Spoilers!!! - There are two superficial ways to describe Mars that come to mind: (1) the covers...
Oh My Goddess! (ああっ女神さまっ)
(Picture found on Google Images) - Spoilers - This is more of an opinion piece than an educational one. I did not do a bunch of research...
The Music Marie Plays (Marieの奏でる音楽) (18+)
- Spoilers - (Picture found on Google Images) Usamaru Furuya is the mind behind works like Short Cuts, Picasso Hallucination (幻覚ピカソ,...
Barlowe's Guides
There is a book sale in my hometown every year put on by the library. I think it started as a way to get rid of all the excess books...
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