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(Picture found on Google Images) Arthur is an American children's book series and TV show that has been around for ages. Growing up, my...

"A" vs. "The"
Recently my Russian friend asked me what the difference is between "a future" and "the future." I decided that the easiest thing to do...

The Shurik Adventures
(Picture found on Wikipedia) I first heard about The Shurik Adventures through my Russian friend Katya while she was an exchange student...

Japanese Game & Variety TV Shows
My dream throughout high school was to go to college and spend study abroad in Japan. Originally I had hoped to stay for a whole year,...

Perfect Blue
(Picture found on Google Images) - Spoilers - Perfect Blue is a film set in the 90's by Satoshi Kon about a girl named Mima who has...

Mars - 18+
(Picture found on Google Images) - !!!Spoilers!!! - There are two superficial ways to describe Mars that come to mind: (1) the covers...

Oh My Goddess! (ああっ女神さまっ)
(Picture found on Google Images) - Spoilers - This is more of an opinion piece than an educational one. I did not do a bunch of research...

The Music Marie Plays (Marieの奏でる音楽) (18+)
- Spoilers - (Picture found on Google Images) Usamaru Furuya is the mind behind works like Short Cuts, Picasso Hallucination (幻覚ピカソ,...

The Elusive Guardians
The Niō Guardians are a pair of Dharma-protecting deities that have remained almost unchanged from the time they emerged in India to...

Japanese: writing about another language
Writing about Japanese from an English perspective while expecting to have an audience that only speaks English can be a challenge. While...

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