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Emotional Drama in Shojo Manga (少女漫画)
NOTE: I will mostly be saying "manga" here, but I will include anime and perhaps games underneath it, so manga will just be our umbrella...

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
(Picture found on Google Images) SPOILERS The live action television series based on Sailor Moon is not perfect, but I love it and its...

Devilman (デビルマン)
(Picture found on Google Images) -Spoilers- Why do people love Devilman? I think there are four reasons: 1) we all root for the underdog,...

Inu-Yasha (犬夜叉): A Feudal Fairy Tale
Volume 1 Art (Picture found on Google Images) -Spoilers- I discovered my very first manga when I was 12 years old. Math class hadn't...

Perfect Blue
(Picture found on Google Images) - Spoilers - Perfect Blue is a film set in the 90's by Satoshi Kon about a girl named Mima who has...

Mars - 18+
(Picture found on Google Images) - !!!Spoilers!!! - There are two superficial ways to describe Mars that come to mind: (1) the covers...

Oh My Goddess! (ああっ女神さまっ)
(Picture found on Google Images) - Spoilers - This is more of an opinion piece than an educational one. I did not do a bunch of research...

The Music Marie Plays (Marieの奏でる音楽) (18+)
- Spoilers - (Picture found on Google Images) Usamaru Furuya is the mind behind works like Short Cuts, Picasso Hallucination (幻覚ピカソ,...

Why comic books and animated shows?
Explaining why you like comic books to someone who does not read comic books can be very difficult. Putting the enjoyment of it into...

Three Manga Discoveries (18+)
- Some spoilers - Love in Hell, Momoiro Meloik, and Everyday Life with Monster Girls are some of my favorite manga to reread when I want...

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