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Love and Other Disasters
(Picture found on Google Images) - Spoilers - I discovered this movie when I was looking through Netflix for something funny, something...
Mars - 18+
(Picture found on Google Images) - !!!Spoilers!!! - There are two superficial ways to describe Mars that come to mind: (1) the covers...
Oh My Goddess! (ああっ女神さまっ)
(Picture found on Google Images) - Spoilers - This is more of an opinion piece than an educational one. I did not do a bunch of research...
The Music Marie Plays (Marieの奏でる音楽) (18+)
- Spoilers - (Picture found on Google Images) Usamaru Furuya is the mind behind works like Short Cuts, Picasso Hallucination (幻覚ピカソ,...
Three Manga Discoveries (18+)
- Some spoilers - Love in Hell, Momoiro Meloik, and Everyday Life with Monster Girls are some of my favorite manga to reread when I want...
School Mermaid (スクール人魚)
- Spoilers - When I was a teenager, I was not at all interested in horror. For the most part, I just did not see the point of jump scares...
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