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There was a time when my very favorite book in the world was Aquamarine, written in 2001 by Alice Hoffman. (Interestingly, she also wrote...

Coloring Books for Those Who Love Detail
There are so many great adult coloring books to choose from! How can you decide? Well, if freehanding it is not your style and you are...

Mamma Mia!
On Saturday I went to see Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again. My expectations were not that high, which should have meant I walked out of the...

The Birdcage
One of my favorite movies of all time is The Birdcage (1996). My mother, sister, and I used to watch it annually and we have tried not to...

Emotional Drama in Shojo Manga (少女漫画)
NOTE: I will mostly be saying "manga" here, but I will include anime and perhaps games underneath it, so manga will just be our umbrella...

Oh My Sweet Alien! (ヨメがコレなもんで。)
(Picture found on Google Images) I have a real soft spot for stories about interspecies relationships and/or slice of life stories with a...

The Croods: a dad's movie
Picture found on Google Images Dreamworks' The Croods came out in 2013, the same year that Disney released Frozen. I think for this...

My Fair Lady
(Picture found on Google Images) My Fair Lady (1964) is, essentially, a Cinderella story about a young woman named Eliza Doolittle who...

(Picture found on Google Images) Arthur is an American children's book series and TV show that has been around for ages. Growing up, my...

"A" vs. "The"
Recently my Russian friend asked me what the difference is between "a future" and "the future." I decided that the easiest thing to do...

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